Abel at Stud

Abel is available as a stud to bitches of merit. (frozen semen)
CHIC CLEAR: #95738
​OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Normal
Cardiac ECHO: Normal (2017)
Eyes : Normal (2017)
Dentition: Full
Thyroid: Normal
JLPP: Clear
Abel's Critique from 2016 American Rottweiler Club National Sieger Show
Judge: Steve Wolfson
Four and a half year old male, complete dentition, scissor bite. Sociable, friendly, willing to work. Powerful masculine head type. Dark eyes, small almond shaped eye lids. Good stop and zygomatic arch. Good gum pigmentation. Excellent front assembly. Stands correct in front, strong bone substance. Excellent cat-like well-knuckled feet. Excellent placement of elbows, good chest in depth and width. Coarse coat. Excellent markings with good color. Long in body. Good croup, sufficient rear angulation could use more turn of stifle. Good going away, coming towards he moves a bit wide.
Excellent harmonious side gait with reach and drive and action.
Contact Queans Rottweilers